Monday, June 15, 2009

What 'Shuffle' says about me?


1. Gotta Be Somebody - Nickelback
2. Little Things - Good Charlotte
3. Oh No You Didn't! (mercaenaries 2 Anthem)- Wojan Brothers
4. Life Goes On - Gundam Seed Destiny Album
5. Love Song - Sara Bareilles
6. On the Wing - Owl City
7. Rainbow Veins - Owl City
8. Super Honeymoon - Owl City (I just got one of the albums i swear!!)
9. The Saltwater Room - Owl City (this is getting annoying)
10. Early Birdie - Owl City (really!?)

11. Walls - Emery (finally)
12. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
13. Sugar We're Going Down Swinging - Fall Out Boy
14. Light Up The Sky - Yellowcard
15. Hallelujah - Vitamin String Quartet

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My friends now cousin is the base player for Superchick
it is like Superchick ish
wow thats so cool
I'm diggin' it

1:59 in the evenin'
Th' salty corsair Meghan printing t-shirts and making wristbands for strawburry17 today! woop woop!!! XD.
whoa! are these things going to be on District Lines?
thru idk what it is
i get to make the shirts myself!
at myshirt
i mean
That sounsd fun
my church
not my shirt
we have a t-shirt company and i'm going thru them for merch and a different company to sell the stuff
Sounds fun
where did you get Addison Road songs?
itunes should have em!
okie dokey, imma get a new itunes card and snag me some
I like Hope Now
such a good sincere song
Songs like this made me give up all that new stuff like rap and junk like that
which sends the wrong messages
it's a shame even Christians listen to some of these songs.
well were in the world
just gotta remember were not of it and keep our hearts right
tedashi as some pretty good rap
christian rap
my friend Kcmo
has some good stuff
it's all about God
but that's about all i listen to
thats cool
Thank you
so are you ever planning on coming up to Oregon?
do you have any summer plans in store?
i dooo
789 gathering
ammunition conference
warped tour
sky diving
and disney land

whoa, fun summer much?
only live once!
Correct! Sky Diving sounds fun
one of the only things i MAY look forward to is San Francisco!
sf is awesome!
i was just there last weekend
heck yes! I was born there!
lol nice
I love the Sunset District during the Summer
cause you got the sea breeze rolling in on you and it's perfect temperature
sea breeze
ocean! yes!
totally! it's not as fun when it's freezing though
but it is lovely
what's your favorite part about San Francisco?
i dont have one!
lol oh geez
im heading off !
ill ttyl friend!
alright bye Friend!
2:35pmMeghan has gone ashore.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I haven't really blogged about anything fun... in a while.

here are some things I'm going to miss about GCS friends

1. Being able to bug my friends at there lockers and following them to their classes even though my class is in the other hall...

2. LUNCH time, oh i loved lunch time, just hanging out with my friends and talking about what's new and just laughing for fun

3. Fun Classes I actually had some fun classes I especially liked the enthusiasm in Life Skills, Bible, Math, Science, and History.

I'm going to miss you all, but someday we'll meet again.


i had a revelation today while cleaning, i should have looked deeper into what happened a couple of days ago... but i didn't, because i was being ridiculously impossible. But now I see the whole sha-bang! and it's stupid. :P
should have never done it, but i did.


Last Thursday Nickolas (Steven) and I saw Star Trek!!!! it was so cool!!! :D
Oh how much I love Scottie/Scotty or how ever his name is spelled.
and we're planning to see Land of the Lost XD I can't wait!


I've been catching up on my blogs and this probably sounds stupid...
well this blog is probably stupid to you...
so shut up.


You can say...

She dumped me...
or she left me..
I think those sound too harsh on the person who "dumped me"
I like to make it sound as if the person "dumping me/you"
like... i guess i'd say "leaving you" it doesn't sound as... harsh.
I have a deadline to hit... I'm busy. I need to stay busy, or i'll get sad.
Good bye for now.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm back!

Chris has come back to Blogspot, for some reasons you need not to attend to!!!! WHOO!!!! Blogging starts tonight!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

OH man...

I'm going to stop running back and forth between Blogspot and Live Journal it's going to be posted on my website from now on.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Groggy Chris

I need THIISSSS MUCH sleep...
Anyway a couple of days ago Nanalew responded to one of my Questions...

BLueMEatloaf said...
What has been your favorite dress so far???

I like them all. My opinion changes with every emotional/self-esteem based meltdown I have. I'm also incredibly paranoid and anal. If I think something has 'stretched out' or doesn't fit right, it ruins my opinion of it forever.

so i thought that was pretty cool.

School is bad... I don't like research cause i'm a complete do-do... and i keep ruining relationships with my friends by accidentally hanging up on them calling them names (not bad words except that one time) and lying unintentionally of course.

anyway I just got off topic right school... Research it's confusing and Optometry isn't too hard it's just hard. make sense? of course it does... :)

Youtube- yea College Humor (Jake and Amir all of them) and some Hardly workings but yea

Facebook- usual stuff take a couple quizzes, talk to some people, edit a thing or two...

School again- not really at school but the Highschool I got to see and meet Esterlyn! for the people who don't know who they are check out there myspace at i met all of them great guys. i even got them to sign my poster! and I owe Rohit $5

I think i failed my science and math tests... what a great way to start the quarter with two failed tests in the more harder classes for me.

AIM: been texting a lot of people... Making stronger relationships/bonding and such. way cooler then FACEBOOK yea i said it prosecute me...

Twitter: a lot of new followers like 40 now? yea that's nice and i broke the 1300+ update mark that shows how much of a loser at life I am.

It's late I'm scared of Aliens alienating me and turning me into a blood thirsty zombie out to eat humans and small rodents and if you have actually read this far in one of my blogs I should give you something... but I won't cause i'm broke.

Other Things: I'm in the mood for prayer and rejoicing... I just don't want to get up...
Esteryln has really left a imprint on my heart.
So I got Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman today but i misplaced it so it has disappeared so sad face much...

Nick and I were talking about how I can be destroyed... obviously by one force.. Sparklepop.
yes Sparklepop.
if i think about "it" to long my first 7 years of my life will disappear from my brain and if i think about "it" really hard i'll com bust.

back to schoool... I have to cut these pictures out and put them in an envelope and give them to the office ladies... i don't have and envelope and i need scissors... Sigh and it's due tomorrow so double sigh... if you are still reading congratulations you've accomplished more then i have in my life.
I'm also in a blogging mood at 12:20 A.M. on this April 10th...
if i sleep i'll have nightmares and i don't want them... and another part of me is hoping she'll come back on and talk to me for hours on end and we'll be happy for another hour and two so i may sleep in peace and not stress and worry

my new poem? yea new poem i got one line i think...
Stomach Churning.. Legs Burning...

yea that's all... cause i've been reading other things and not thinking of this poem i may make.

insecurity isn't attractive so i'm an ugly guy...

I feel insecure around crushes and fragile people...

I have a feeling my dad is gonna bust through my door with a S.W.A.T. hammer and yell "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" for some oddball unreasonable reason...

I have an eating disorder... One day I'll eat a truck load of food the next I won't eat lunch... but for dinner two truck loads... and it goes on... w/e i'm over weight anyway (in September I was barely over weight lal)
I think i'm going to start saying "lal" instead of the original "lol" the A instead of the O is everything.

At this hour 67 of 106 of my buddies on AIM aren't online... WHY!? GET ON so WE CAN HAVE FUN! We'll jump through rainbows and frolic into the hill side of Eastern Kansas...

I'm planning on sleeping soon... maybe at 1... it's 12:35. Good Morning lovely readers who actually read this much... I love you for it. NVM I only congratulate you. lal...
Sparklepop <3


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Things I've been thinking about... NOT IN ORDER
1. Will the economy get better or will God just use magic to blow us all up???
2. Do I have magic powers?
3. Why does Nick get to do all the fun stuff with Sparkle Pop?
4. Sparkle Pop <3
5. Poptarts need more
6. I wonder how I'm going to do on the SAT
7. I wonder how I'm going to do on my Proficiency test...
8. Hoping parents will let me go to CCHS
9. Twitter
10. Interwebz
11. Nerdfighting... with my fists
12. editing. camera
13. music
14. Sparkle Pop by Fred Flare
15. what to wear to school
16. School is almost over... I wish we could have a period of fun..
17. AIM
18. why hearts are really cool and why Spring brings them out...
19. thinking of awesome quotes
20. why i try to be people i'm not; rewiring my brain isn't easy...
21. Jesus Loves me and I should love him equally...
22. I should read more
23. the library fine i have to pay soonish?
24. the library book i have to return...
25. Research on the art of eye poking (optometry)
26. earthquakes are really cool?
27. why people love music
28. why can't I get paid... for work
29. getting stronger and improving my endurance
30. must work-out I remind myself of a hippo... lazy and just lays there...
31. Youtube
32. why people are attracted to each other...
33. haircut.. maybe.
34. how much can I press??? not much
35. if I will ever get a chance to show my mediocre art...
36. Hanging out with Orion and Nick and Gabe
37. why sarcasm is good at CERTAIN times.
38. how I want to go train hopping one day
39. photography... I love it.
40. what/who I love and why...
41. this blog...
42. wanting to travel the world...with friends
43. If i had no friends how I would be highly suicidal
44. wanting new T-shirts
45. cookie dough is gross... blech
46. why keyboards make all songs awesome
47. Nickolas Cage
48. Back to the Future
49. Scientology and Tom Cruise...
50. C.S. Lewis...


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Oh hey!

It's been a while, been busy getting ready for research on the art of eye poking.
Been Painting.
Music is always a good addition to this wonderful equation known as life.
SATs are coming up. Hmmm.
I have such faithful and loyal friends.
My hair is wild.
Nick's getting a pool, that's pretty epic.
it's cold and i'm puking gross.
Had a debate about what genre's of music are corrupted and which aren't, came to the conclusion rap is bad for you. especially the young ones.
"That's a lot of nuts!"
I think I'm going to change my writing style from.... now on.
Oh hey! you should look at my Flickr I just posted like 4 new photos :)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break [3/24/2009]

Hello, first thing. I'm sorry I haven't blogged at all in the past few weeks because I've been busy. Doing school work, attempting to finish two research papers at once and studying for tests, making plans, editing and making videos, Wrangler Ranch (Musical), ect. But now I'm back!

I got the Punk Goes Pop Vol. 2!!!! Thank You Fearless Records! I love the songs! <3
I also got Madden 2008 (i know I'm a little late)

Spring Break: I've gone over to two friends houses we mess'd around nothing special.
I'm getting better at editing I may ask for some help (Vivian).
But anywho that was just a quick update to let YOU know I'm still breathing and walking, not dead yet. BLAH BLAH BLAH

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Treated Like Dirt.

I live a pathetic life. One I got a D in music class.... Really Chris?!

First Quarter 3.47 Second Quarter 3.22 Third Quarter (not updated) 2.00

So.. my father gave me a lecture. I cried. I got in trouble.

I'm misunderstood. I think everyone is striving to get me killed or abducted by aliens.
my humor hasn't failed. I shouldn't be doing this. Oh how I MUST get my grades up... I have 2 C's and a D. They have to be up to B's or A's in order for me to get my 'toys' back... English,Science and Bible?! (I think it's only 2 C's cause it was probably a Typo seriously who gets a D in Bible?!)

My Mom.
I think it's her fault I can't do anything wrong, probably a gene thing; loving (not really) how my family attacks my cousin's family and loses in who has the most brain because all they dare to use is my sister (Oh, how nice).

Arguing with my family is like arguing with dirt. It's physically and mentally impossible.
because the DIRT Won't RESPOND!

I've been talking to Jesus a lot lately. Because he's the closest friend to me when I'm alone.
He's my strength, he gives me the power to go on.

Did I just get mixed up? yea.

Okay so I was saying my Mum... DON'T RIDE IN THE SAME VEHICLE WITH HER EVER!
We were pulling out (she was) and she decided to go right after or try to squeeze between two S.U.Vs and another van is backing up filled with little kids. (we are in the middle) the S.U.V. is backing up slowly and my mom stops moving and starts to scream.... (sounds like a yeti gurgling his mouth wash). and the S.U.V. and the van completely stops and my mom is still screaming, I'm telling her in a calm manner to back up... while eating my lunch because I didn't get a chance to eat.

She almost killed us AGAIN. she hit the gas when the light turned Yellow and stopped abruptly. Rice went everywhere.

I wish I can be better at things I'm not meant to be good at. Such as.... English/Literature or History, I've been told I know a lot about History I just can't put it down on Tests/Assignments (truth).

WHY WON'T THIS PRINTER WORK!? Ink in it. Paper in Slot. Typed info on Word Document. USB hooke'd up. Power on. Won't Print.

Today All in All has been a suckish day, I wish I was at school and not here...

Friday, March 6, 2009

I wrote this during Math out of sheer boredom [3/6/2009]

So, anyway it's been a while since blogging... sorrey was busy.

Okay Onward to the Sock!
Ever since Wed. their has been a sock laying in the middle of my homeroom class... then it went missing before school got out and on Thursday it was missing again before 'we' went to leave to head to Waterford and play some BINGO; the sock was there but, when we came back the sock magically turned into a Peep plushi...
Zach did it.


okay, so recently I've been having a lot of bad luck with smokers...
they should quit.
So, i'm just going to say it this 'prostitute' walked by me as I was leaving and as I walked outside another 'prostitute' was beside the door -PAUSE- as if she was going to wait for someone to come out so she can blow cig. smoke in my face. -UNPAUSE- so I just inhaled a lot of smoke all at once (one deep breath) Ugh... Gross

ON a lighter note: Final Fantasy War of the Lions is a fun challenge and 99 Red balloons by Goldenfinger and sorry no FML of the day! :(


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Going to STATE!

Cascade Christian High School beat Harrisburg!!!! Last Night! here is the video proof! 33-28 I know it was a low scoring game but we came through.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shrimp Taco

The answer to last blogs question is here:

1st Period: N/A

2nd Period: N/A

3rd Period: Retook my Pro. Test

EXP Period 1: So, today in Apprentice class we talked about our testimonies and such.

Lunch:Okay during lunch w/ Nick and I (and other stragglers) sat down and such, we were talking about books and characters and how they are related basically comparing the main characters from 'Looking for Alaska' and 'Paper Towns' together, I found out they both have the bossy, ignorant friend (Ben and Chip a.k.a the Colonel), the other raced person (Radar and Takumi a.k.a the Fox), the Hot Girl the main character falls in love with (Alaska and Margo) and finally the main characters (Quentin and Miles a.k.a Pudge) oh and I guess you can consider the extra girl friend(s) Lara and Lacey.
and Nick punched me.

so after that we decided to eat each others foods while Nick and Shellyhorse did their math assignments.

EXP Period 2: P.E. :3 we played a game where the coach throws these colored hoola-hoops and we go get our designated color hoola-hoop and put it on top of the cone. First: 10 points, Second: 8 Points, Third: 6 Points, Fourth: 4 points, Fifth: 2 Points and finally last: 0 points. We ended up winning in first half it was like 36 us and everyone had under 28 then we lost everything the final winners were like Orange and Green and we were in last place with 42... (winner had 68 and second had 60) O.o

After School: I found out I broke a bracket...

me and shellyhorse decided NEXT Wed. we are going to sneak off campus to the Minute Market to get some stuff! cause we get out at 2:20 every Wed. and it's usually me and Sam who are picked up last (out of the 8th graders) so has a master plan! and I got permission from my dad (who still owes ME $7)

I also had Shrimp Tacos made by Ashley! (my tongue is now cut)

Additional Notes:
Some parents don't know how to react to their child so they naturally react with a 'pissed off' tone or with ANGER (which my father does. when I look at him funny.)
unless they read a book,this blog, other blogs about this, search the web or find help at a clinic of some sort they will never change. These 'type' of parents can become violent and abuse their child with force or physiological trauma. (which my father has, not going to say which... it can be both.)
Solution to this 'plague': God. Jesus. Spirit.

NOW For the FML of the day! (a reliever from my ranting) Making YOU feel better because someone had a crummy day!

Today, I forgot my work clothes at home so my boss gave me a jacket with a name patch that said "Mike". Still wearing my work clothes I ran into my ex-girlfriend on my way home. We were together for five years until she dumped me for a guy name Mike. FML

Pocky is Good! X3


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Mechanics of a Hiccup?

What are the mechanics to the oh so mysterious hiccup? How do they work? How do you stop it? This'll be answered next blog ladies and gentlemen! Just to spark that interest (:

I'm currently doing a Presidents report due on March 18th which isn't too far away! and I've only gotten about 12% of the information needed!!! I need to hit the books on Woodrow Wilson (D)!

30% done at restaurant
30% done at home
40% done at school

How about you where do you do your homework?

Question: Does MILK get rid of that tingly taste after eating spicy food?

Answer: Yes, it does. actually I've heard all dairy products get rid of that tingly taste.

next subject: One of my two favorite writers of all time are Mark Twain and John Green just pure awesome right their!
Mark Twain has the ability to just grab you into detail and never let go.
John Green makes everything exciting and vibrant! it's hard to put down his books.
I've already read Paper Towns (most recent novel) and right now I'm reading his first one 'Looking for Alaska' after this I plan on reading his other book!

Additional Notes:
I wish people (when I'm at my parent's restaurant) would not look over my shoulder and ask me what I'm doing... it's kinda obvious homework....
and maybe one day a secret plan to kill everyone who does it...

I think I'm a brainless zombie who can't control myself...

Now for the FML of the day!!!! Enjoy!
Today, I stopped at a lemonade stand on my way to work. A cute little girl handed me a mouthwash-sized cup of juice, and her adorable little brother told me it would be $.25. All I had was a $20. He shoved it into his overalls pocket, looked up with huge brown eyes and just said "Thank you." FML

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Hai Mai Name is Boxxy!" [2-23-2009]

ROFL Okay so My Name is Boxxy and I want to get something straight....
Not really.
Okay so today, rain has been turning on and off (if that makes sense) and its ridiculous rain only brings me down
School was boring
After school I went to Wally World! Going in we saw two chocolate labs being sold and I (and dad) wanted one, and my mom was like "OMG NO!!! they are so ugly!" Eh.... -.-
But anyways I got two Pocky Packets (strawberry) spicy Kimchi Noodles and Spicey Shrimp Noodles (spicy) and that made my day a little bit better.

In the future... I think i'm going to order a new camera from Wal-Mart cause I'm TIRED of using my mums...

Any-who I've been on a vampiric stage/survivor mode, No sleep just food.
I also killed two people today during school by jumping on their backs and attempting to slit their throats in front of peers and teachers.

Of course I DON'T PUT ANYTHING SEXUAL or ADULTRESS-esque Things for the FML of the day.

Today, I just studied for 13.5 hours completely outlining a book for history. Thirty minutes before the test, I realized I had been reading the wrong book. FML

P.S. I'm reading Looking for Alaska by John Green!!!! It's amazing
I want this camera:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Update 2/21/2009

I'm going to tell you what I did this weekend! (:
I went to Nick's House with Orion
We played A LOT of video games
We drank A LOT of soda
I chilled in a hammock ;)
Beautiful scenery
Played A LOT of Call of Duty 4
Ate Bacon,French Toast, Pizza, Alfredo Cheese and something else... BUT IT WAS DELICIOUS!
I went to the Basketball Game with Orion and Nick
We Won it was Cascade vs. Rogue River
I saw the AMAZING French Chick, Orion talked about.
She was AMAZING, I'm not going to lie.... <3
BTW I didn't sleep until 4 or 6 A.M. and I woke up at 9 A.M. (:
Then I came back to the restaurant and ate some shrimp
I love Selena Gomez <3333

One more thing... People have been messing with meh Selena!
Look at Hannah Montana... one of her 'shows' has Ray Romano! and they totally make Ray look like moron who ISN'T Important... and when Miley Cyrus stands up... EVERYONE claps like as if they saw John Paul...(the Pope)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bagel [2/18/2009]

Okay since I've been told my blogs aren't that interesting God has blessed me with something interesting (sucks to be whoever got in trouble)

So after school and buying a whole bag of Raisin Bran Crunch (For myself)
So After School (and my nap) I woke up and just int he nick of time i saw cop cars pulling into this 'druggy' ally (I call it) and their are like 20 people huddled around it, I thought the cop was going to get beat but then here comes like 3 more cop cars and a sheriffs truck, and after pooping I came back out and the cops were pulling out w/ a Druggy. Fun Eh? I witnessed a druggie being arrested and more druggies getting ready to run. (finally the cops caught up to where all the druggies were) oh and they caught a bank robber who has been robbing all the banks in Oregon! at my friends house.
Now I have to draw Andrew Jackson Cartoons!

If you didn't know this about me yet here it comes, I don't sleep(much) I usually crash on a school night at 2 A.M. and on weekends well... I don't sleep till 5 A.M. (ish) So the only time I actually sleep is when I'm in the car, and I've had people say I look cute when I sleep (partly because I fall asleep immediately when I get int he vehicle) So yes I'm a vampire!

I can fight in the hall ways every Wednesday! So every Wednesday my Friend John and I fight in the halls (yes) and the teachers really don't care as long as their no UFC type fighting or Boxing. I won today, and I won a Gatorade bottle as my victory prize thingy. he did 11 Pull ups at GYM I did... none yet; But BasicSly every time we see each other in the hall we kick each other or slam into the lockers/poll/wall/GYM door/doors/anything sharp/ trashcans the usual wild Ninja-esque thing. Fun Guy (we has Science together)

So Today, I decided I'm going to fix my Skull Candy Headphones that broke in half form around the center, and I'm super gluing it, I'm so lethargic I have a book holding it together till the glue sets... I think I inhaled enough super glue to officially say I'm "High as a kite"

Here is the FML (F My Life) of the day!
Today, my father came back from a business trip in Canada. He handed me an "I Love Canada" pen. He brought back an xbox 360 for my younger brother. FML

<3 For Shirley L.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Life without internet 2/16/2009

Today I was woken up at 3 A.M. in the morning by my dad, he told me to turn off the computer. So I did and I turned off the television too and dosed off.
Then I was woken up at 9:30 A.M. by my mom (this time) to ask if I wanted to go shopping, I naturally said yes because I needed new shoes anyway. Good Day, I got like 4 pairs of jeans and some Reebok shoes! Than I got some Milkshakes and took a nap. I didn't have internet the WHOLE day so I took a nap, now I'm watching *New* Wizards of Waverly Place!!!! I Love that show it actually has good acting unlike a certain show....(It starts with a Hannah Montana and ends with a FAIL)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Working on Valentines Day (Oregon is 150 years old today.

First thoughts while showering: It's going to busy, I'm going to leave at 11:45 P.M. again...

Working Now-
Some people can be really rude on Valentines day and now say thank you when I give them their menus,soup,water, or sauce they just simply don't look at me... while others say thank you and hello and such. Dear Lord, I hope I don't leave at 11:45 again...
6:32 P.M. (sorry if you don't understand me... I'm doing this as I work too.)
This isn't cool...My hair is really poofy today... and when I cough or sneeze it hurts like someone just hit me in the back of the head with a log... and I have a booger on my sweat shirt because of those evil sneezes... AND to make things worse I'm missing the dunk and the all-star games! ): and I still haven't eaten ANYTHING since breakfast which was McDonalds!!! Argh... Frequent Headaches from evil sneezes and coughs and and and (wow alot of 'ands' in this blog) I SHOULD BE AT THE CASCADE GAME!!!!!!!!
7:01 P.M.
Just finished helping my sister with her homework and is now terribly scared of sneezes.

well everything else today was boring but now I might just go sleep over at a friends house bye!


Friday, February 13, 2009

I want a Girl who...

isn't about herself/selfish
isn't afraid of hug attacks*
likes to talk because I don't sometimes XD
understands my life situation
filled with joy!*
not afraid of other people's opinions
has a sense of Humor*
Willing to Deal with me! (lol)
Nerd Fighter?
Firm Believer in Him* (GOD)
Not Over reactive*
Sarcastic (not too much)*
enjoys traveling
well rounded (mentally)*

I think well rounded took up everything else...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Romans 12:9

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible,as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary:

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Monday, February 9, 2009

"Bacon" Update 2/10/2009

Bacon, is my friends favorite word (John)
I enjoy talking to Jennifer and Sean
I wish I could go back to McLean Bible Church (Maryland)
I enjoyed the D.C. Historic Tour
Science Test Tomorrow, I'm anxious in a bad way I guess.
I'm observing people signing up for Curves Lol, the weird thing is I see a lot of skinnier people signing up.
I'm kinda having a panicking about this.
currently downloading a new program for movie making and watching Youtube videos!
If you have the Patience for it read our/my recent AIM Chatroom!: file:///C:/Users/Guest/Desktop/Chris/akwardwalrus.html

Why does Taylor Swift sound Great? i just lover her songs! Our Song and Teardrop On my Guitar sounds like she's having fun and makes me wanna just jump around and frolic w/ puppies in a pasture of daisies w/ a rainbow in the background...
Phil. 4:13 is my new favourite Verse! and yes I put a "U" behind Color and favorite cause it looks awesome if you don't like it just let me know I'll change it for the sake of you.
Purple is the colour of 2009!!!!

That's about all
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Good Evening.

Good Evening Mr/Ms, here let me take your coat.

Today, I went to my friends house and I expected to have a lot of fun, but I crashed on his couch with a Pop-Tart in my mouth... I woke up about 2 hours later, probably because I had an all-nighter yesterday.
Hmm, right now I'm watching the Season Finale of "Doctor Who" on BBC (I guess it's like a U.K. channel because everyone has an AWESOME accent), this is the first time I've ever seen this show but it's already caught my attention, they are talking about an Alien race invading the Earth and the aliens are just yelling "Exterminate" over and over, it's like a soap opera-esque thing. Doctor Who is just so, attention grasping, how enthusiastic the doctor is, it's hard not to laugh.
I want to have that kind of enthusiasm....
The Doctor's cocked eyebrow (which never changes EVER)
I wish i knew the names of these U.K. Actors...


The Video that I've been working on for Week(s) is now up!

Sorry if it's a little messed up. and such
To see more info go to my Youtube Page:
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am Working on... UPDATE 2/5/09

a compilation of pictures I've taken over the last few months and days I guess (:
I hope I finish it and post it on soon (:
okay that's all just an Update
Okay, so I've gotten a lot of pictures donated to me from Vivian! and I'm at 1:15ish and my goal is 1:50
Finished Video One. And I already started on the second one! this is going to be so exciting!
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Beauty. Of. You. (v 1.0)

You are the Ventriloquist in me
You are the Brain of my Heart
Without You I would be a Ball of hate and fear believing in all the wrong things
I am the sheep in your humble pasture
You are the one keeping me from sinking into the dark unknown abyss
You put up no fight to recruit me to your Crusade of Saints
No Pressure
Love and Compassion absorbs me when I am Near your warm breath of Life

P.S. I made this in under 4 minutes.
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Breaking into a Cash Register.

Captains Log.
LOL. Today is the strangest days of work I've had in a long while... Anyhoo time to cut to the chase!
Today 1/30/2009 after coming out of the bathroom I see two people breaking into the cash register... w/ a k-nife!? Then my sister and mom walk in and they just make simple chit chat that I can't hear... Very Awkward eh? Yes in the end they rip the cash register to little shreds yet leaving the main parts there so it can function, turns out they were helping my mom un-jam the register (my sister jammed it... Again). Weird... so then I was ordering someone and they asked for a Pepsi-Dr.? I was "What is that?" they simply reply it's Pepsi and Dr.Pepper mixed... my brain was moving slowly progressing through the day... So, then my next job was to go clean a table, easy right? WRONG. It was extremely hard... it's as if they put honey on the table and blow dried it.. I couldn't get what ever was on that table off till i shook the table and it literally tipped on me...Then After that, I was on the cash register ringing up the price and then the lady says "That's not mine..." and I said (Previously. I said "For *****" and she walks up. Then I say then why did you get up? She simply replies "I thought that was mine." She needs to listen, but I need to show more mercy. so the Guy who's food I just rang up walks up and he was having a slow-brained day as well as I could tell by his expression. So the lady who stepped up at the wrong time sat down and started to click her pen as fast as she could... she wasn't as mature as her daughter... (which was with her.) who told her to stop.
What are ya' gonna do?
And now! A grown woman said "Gee I can't do math.... can you do it for me?" (It was ADDITION! ARE YOU JOKING!? YOU ARE A GROWN WOMAN!)
ARGH! ANother one.... an Annoying couple this time... "Whutcha Playin'?" I'm really on AIM not playing anything. Then she sits down watching the laptop screen and possibly still is luckily I'm far enough away where she can't see the text... the Woman Laughs like a grown man/bear...Thing... They both TALK SUPER LOUD!!!! it's as IF THEY WERE DEAF or SOMEFIN! Jeez.... I swear they are drunk or something...
Sweet Moses... I looked at her and she laughed and she showed no expression on her face... I think she also just got a botox injection on her face or something... She doesn't even look at peoples faces whens he talks she looks the other direction as if she was looking for someone/something and she chuckles in a creepy way... Grr. it's getting on my nerves cause I can't even hear my own speakers when she talks/laughs....
The End.

Please Pray for John Thompson! He was in a tragic Car accident.
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


There has been alot on my mind recently... Life,Future,Food,School,Grades,Friends, ect.
I've been thinking more than I think I should, I guess it's partly because I just reading Paper Towns!!!! I mean that book has so much info in such a small book... The way I look at Life now is from a different point of view, EVERYTHING. I recommend the book to everyone who is needing something good to read, very hard book to put down.
The Book is about a love story/mystery-esque, very exciting too, I also laughed alot form the jokes; John Green is probably one of the best writers I've read about, I'm going to buy another one of his books soon.

The reason I decided to blog is because I haven't in a while and Scrap-books are due next Wen. Nick came over today to get some help and I needed some pictures we ended up just organizing where the pictures go and than we went to Wal-Mart where I got an iTunes Gift Card!!! ($15 I'm not that rich) and I bought alot of songs.

Something has brought a story up.
When I was 5 years old I remembered a show called 'Zoom!' this show taught me how to read,write,say my alphabet and count and learn alot of cool stuff too. So if anyone was wondering how I learned my English it was from Zoom!
I wanna hear HOW YOU learned your ABC's.

and I found out what the word 'Godspeed' meant it means: a Successful Journey because I read it in Paper Towns and I couldn't figure out what it meant and it bugged me and if anyone knows what pseudovision is let me know! (Plox)

What else has been on my mind, Hmm. Studying for tests and quizzes (btw I got moved to Dcourt Science). I've been reading alot of books lately and not watching alot of television either. I've been so tired and busy this whole week yesterday was my day of 'chill' when I just rest and get ready for the next 5 grueling days of school... It's nice to have friends around you and things like that but, I get homework everyday and it comes to me 2-4 at a time... except on Wed. (most of the time), I've only had a total of 20 hours of sleep last week (4 school days cause of M.L.K. B-day). But on a lighter note I've been eating Papaya,Rice and drinking SoBe:Life Water and water so energy to keep me focused and ready; another thing, if you have tests try to get more than 7 hours of sleep, you won't regret it. I failed a science quiz which I never really do... because of the lack of sleep I was getting... Just a great reminder.
Fun Fact: Eating Meat makes you drowsy.
Jesus is the key to Victory!

P.S. I wanna re-read Paper Towns really really badly!!! But after I finish up Breaking Dawn. (Book 3 of the whole book itself), I'm at the gross part...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Twilight: Review

When I first heard of the Book Twilight I thought it was stupid, but after hearing alot of good comments about the book I decided to read it myself. It was very hard to put down. I liked the story line and how mysterious this Edward Cullen was and how he was kept in the dark until later in the book, my first thought was Edward is going to kill Bella, Ends up I was wrong. My favorite character right off the bat was Alice Cullen.
Alice Cullen, she can SEE THE FUTURE!!!! and she seems very, up beat and happy she's never really mad or depressed. Jacob Black, I didn't get much Info. on him until New Moon but he seemed like a good guy and was jealous of Edward right off the bat, the thing I didn't like about Twilight was Jacob grew too fast in a one year period from beginning of the book to the end, he's a werewolf but come on it's not even super human... shorter than Bella then looking down on her. I also don't get how Vampire's skin is cold... but who cares. all in all the book is a 5 star for me, It was something that could keep my attention for long periods of time.
Jesus is the key to Victory!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Public Enemy

Kelsey: Yo, Robin! We need to talk!

Robin: Huh? Shhhh... don't you know we're in a library? who are you anyway?

Kelsey: The name's Kelsey, but my friends call me "Snake". I'm the self-appointed chairman of the "religiously Correct Committee." We're here to help you fit in.

Robin: Snake? What are you talking about? Seriously man, I have got a history test
in 15 minutes and unless you are here to study, I think you better make like a snake and slither away!
(Pause for a moment to think about what Kelsey said)
"Religiously Correct Committee," are you studying for the Colonial test too? Is that some Colonial Virginia Government or something? I am so confused. I've never even seen you guys before.
(Robin goes back to his/hers studies. Kelsey grabs the book from him/her.)

Kelsey: Of course you ain't seen us. WE like to keep a low profile. Normally, we don't have to make an appearance. Most Christians cooperate and just blend in. But you, you're different. That's why we're here. Kelly! Read him/her rights!

Kelly: (Reads from card.) You have the right to remain silent.

Robin: The Bill of Rights! That's it, September 25, 1789
(He/She quickly writes something in his/her notes).

Kelly: (Still reading) Listen up Robin, I said you have the right to remain silent. You don't have to tell people about Jesus. Anything you say about Jesus can and will be held against you. You have the right to live for yourself and do what you want to do. Remember, Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven! You have the right to fit in. You can't afford to be different.

(Robin tries to stand up but Kelsey pushes him/her back down.)

Robin: Excuse me...remain silent? Not tell people about Jesus?. Live for myself?
Those rights don't sound right to me!

Kelsey: Robin, Robin! Ain't you read the latest issue of "ME MAGAZINE"? You know ... the "what's hot and what's not" issue? Kelly, read him/her the part about religious acceptability.

Kelly: (Chewing and popping gum while he/she talks) Sure, Snake. Let me see... (Flips through magazine and begins to read.) Oh, here it is! "Hot ... Saying you believe in God". Hey, we believe in God, don't we Kelsey?

Kelsey: Yeah, yeah. Just read, okay?

Kelly: Okay! Where was I... here it is. "Hot... Saying that you believe in GOd. Not hot... Saying that Jesus is the only way to know God".

Kelsey & Kelly: (together) That is definitely... "NOT HOT!"

Kelly: "Hot... Wearing t-shirts with a Christian message. Not hot... Explaining the message to your friends. hot... Listening to Christian Music. Not hot... Living a Christian Lifestyle".

Robin: (stands up.) Wait a minute! You are so totally wrong. Hot? Not Hot? What are you talking about. I can't believe you read that "Me Magazine." It's so focused on self, look at the title "ME!" I'm serious you guys, Everything you've said is wrong!

Kelsey: No it ain't Robin. You're Wrong! (Pushes him/her back with a finger in his/her chest.) You gotta fit in. You can't afford to be different!
(Kelly and Kelsey close in on Robin, getting right up in his/her face)

Kelly: You got to chill out, Robin. Nobody likes a fanatic!

Kelsey (Shakes his/her finger at Robin.) You better listen to us, sweetie! Don't make surf!

Kelly: (Looks at Kelsey confused) Don't make surf?! That's waves, Kelsey! Don't make waves!

Kelsey: Oh, yea, right! Oh, I know! You've got to sow some wild oatmeal! If you don't, what will people think of you?

Kelly: You want them to like you. don't you Robin?

Robin: Well, yeah... but not that way. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Characters Freezes.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Being Nice.

This "Story" was written on 1/14/09
Being Nice to Everyone is rough/tough, I mean, if someone ignores or snaps back at you because you want to start a conversation is horrible, don't get me wrong. The Christian way to handle it is to come back later or ask what is wrong; Non-Christian way of handling this Pickle is to Snap back or stomp away in a furious elephant rage. I brought that up because I was taking a shower and suddenly the water went cold because someone else on the lower floor decided I want to take a shower and leave Chris with cold water, My hair had shampoo in it and I was freezing, so I shut the water off, dried my hair but before I dried my hair I realized my Towel was wet... I just blew up right there I put my clothes on (while still wet) and kicked everything I thought I could move. I thought "I need to ask God for Forgiveness and Patients" and I stopped their and I prayed, half wet and with a stubbed toe.

The Next morning (today 1/15/09) My hair was frizzy and I had to leave as soon as I brushed my teeth. Bad Hair Day on School Spirit Day. Today was especially hard to deal with "The Day was LONG" I was quickly irritated at some times and was shaky.
and I dreaded the sound of "Friday", Friday means Tests,Quizzes, School, Dressing Up, and it's just a long day. Oh and now I remembered I forgot to go get my lunch TODAY! I payed for it and everything.... Gosh. Bad Day.
God is love.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The State of Oregon is Turning 150 Years Old!!!!! Yea!! The day is February 14,2009; Valentines Day? "You Say NAY!" Forget that because Oregon is turning 150!!!! Party Time! Yea... It's gonna be fun.
So. At School, I believe the Homerooms are thinking/brainstorming about ideas for their individual baskets for the Auction. My Teacher suggested Wood? I forgot what kind of wood but she said "---- Wood only Grows in Oregon and Israel!" I personally didn't really like the idea of 'Wood' being out basket, others suggested Jam, Electronics, Birds? and such.
I couldn't decide I was too worried about tests and my headache to think about a basket; Anyone have any ideas???

Anywhat. Tomorrow I get to go over to Three Fountains Nursing Home? (we call it Waterford) and Play BINGO with the grandma's and grandpa's (it sounds more respectful) and to keep them company and share them the Gospel, now don't get the wrong impression on us, we aren't Mormons we are Protestant and we don't make them listen to us if they ask us to stop we stop it and we play Bingo like any civilized man/woman. AND I won my first Bingo game last Thursday! (ftw)
We go over to Waterford every Thursday to play BINGO before the school day is over.

I feel so Free to Express my feelings on Blogger, it's a way for me to 'vent' instead of doing something reckless and stupid.
God is love.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why is it so Addictive!

Vlog Candy is too addictive. I can't miss a week of it! It's just impossible! It hurt my head. That's where the frequent Headaches came from I missed my daily doses of funny.

Why Must my Grandma be away in San Francisco while I'm stuck here in Oregon doing homework,working and dealing w/ 'her'...

Final Fantasy Tactics.
I hate Summoners unless they are on my team.
Geomacers can suck it too.
Dragoons are the win, and the only win.
I secretly hate Chocobos.
It's not a secret anymore that I hate Chocobos.
I love the story line for Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (did I get it right?)

A.P.G. Won the Contest, Congratulations.

God is love.

Friday, January 9, 2009

AIM with Nick! There is no Topic we just talk.

Xanilla25 (8:46:07 PM): hai
wAb0oJiDoW (8:46:13 PM): hi
wAb0oJiDoW (8:46:57 PM): YOU type forevefr
Xanilla25 (8:46:59 PM): dude idk why but i REALLY like the song Patiendly waiting by 50 cent and eminem
wAb0oJiDoW (8:47:19 PM): But I'm too lazy and your emotes are still queerr as the night is young
wAb0oJiDoW (8:47:36 PM): and there are people here so myabe later
Xanilla25 (8:48:10 PM): i'm changing the fagit emotes lol
wAb0oJiDoW (8:48:16 PM): Finally.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:48:19 PM): What a fag.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:48:29 PM): jk
Xanilla25 (8:48:58 PM):
Xanilla25 (8:49:00 PM): better?
Xanilla25 (8:49:01 PM):
Xanilla25 (8:49:04 PM): o.O
wAb0oJiDoW (8:49:06 PM): Sure.
Xanilla25 (8:49:08 PM): :O
wAb0oJiDoW (8:49:10 PM):
Xanilla25 (8:49:11 PM): :-O
wAb0oJiDoW (8:49:13 PM): it's okay.
Xanilla25 (8:49:19 PM):
Xanilla25 (8:49:22 PM):
wAb0oJiDoW (8:49:23 PM): Mine are still the winner.
Xanilla25 (8:49:28 PM): winer ya
wAb0oJiDoW (8:49:31 PM): yours sorta fail compared to mine
Xanilla25 (8:51:21 PM): nope
wAb0oJiDoW (8:51:27 PM): Yes.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:51:41 PM): Mine are all squiggly and imperfect while yours are perfect circles
wAb0oJiDoW (8:51:46 PM): I strive to be different
wAb0oJiDoW (8:51:50 PM): look at my background (:
Xanilla25 (8:52:12 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (8:55:27 PM): I NEED a good song for myspace.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:55:32 PM): Or i'll thunk of one myself
wAb0oJiDoW (8:55:34 PM): something not too
wAb0oJiDoW (8:55:36 PM): Rockish
wAb0oJiDoW (8:55:39 PM): more Alternative
Xanilla25 (8:56:15 PM): paramore
wAb0oJiDoW (8:56:23 PM): No.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:56:26 PM): Too Expected
wAb0oJiDoW (8:57:43 PM): NVM too slow i thought of one
Xanilla25 (8:58:02 PM): k
Xanilla25 (8:58:08 PM): i love telling people out
wAb0oJiDoW (8:58:18 PM): What?
Xanilla25 (8:58:31 PM): or chewing them out
wAb0oJiDoW (8:58:43 PM): Wow very un-cool. "not hot"
Xanilla25 (8:58:52 PM): i don't care if you think its not hot
Xanilla25 (8:58:57 PM): i like it so i'll play it :P
wAb0oJiDoW (8:59:03 PM): Fine.
wAb0oJiDoW (8:59:42 PM): are you playing WoW or too entertained by that box that emites glowing flashes and erays of light that form pictures?
Xanilla25 (9:00:02 PM): playing WoW
wAb0oJiDoW (9:00:07 PM): 10 Points
Xanilla25 (9:00:09 PM): im about to stop
wAb0oJiDoW (9:00:20 PM): Chris 90 World 45 Edmond 15
wAb0oJiDoW (9:00:23 PM): I'm pwning at this
wAb0oJiDoW (9:00:30 PM): Oh and Sam S. 10
Xanilla25 (9:01:27 PM): what is it?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:01:35 PM): A game I play in my head.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:01:48 PM): it's a challenging game. Luckily the World hasn't defeated me yet.
Xanilla25 (9:02:00 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:02:05 PM): The High Seas are in my favor, captain. Surrender now or Die later.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:03:07 PM): Any homework this weekend?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:03:16 PM): I got Lit.
Xanilla25 (9:03:41 PM): i have Science
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:01 PM): I have to write a freggin sequal! and a re-Vision... that's like a total of 6 pages.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:04 PM): how fun ish that?
Xanilla25 (9:04:11 PM): not at all
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:30 PM): exactly
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:33 PM): and you still type slow
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:35 PM): :O
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:40 PM):
Xanilla25 (9:04:46 PM): coloring all of the periotic or however its spelled and writing all the info in each square >.>
wAb0oJiDoW (9:04:56 PM): Wow. Good Luck.
Xanilla25 (9:04:59 PM): yeah it sucsk
Xanilla25 (9:05:01 PM): sucks*
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:04 PM): Hopefully you got neat and small handwriting.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:07 PM): (:
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:08 PM): I do.
Xanilla25 (9:05:13 PM): i haven't been practice typeing
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:14 PM): Proudness
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:16 PM): Lol.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:20 PM): 76 WPM now.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:21 PM): avg
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:24 PM): if I TRY!
Xanilla25 (9:05:25 PM): idk
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:29 PM): otherwise its around 30's?
Xanilla25 (9:05:32 PM): i haven't had computers
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:40 PM): You're telling me.
Xanilla25 (9:05:43 PM): i think if have it next quarter
wAb0oJiDoW (9:05:50 PM): Lol it's boring
Xanilla25 (9:05:56 PM): my best was 78 wpm
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:03 PM): the College Budget thing is weird and easy
Xanilla25 (9:06:04 PM): 81 really with 3 mistakes
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:07 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:19 PM): I did 76WPM twice in a row w/ 0 mistakes
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:30 PM): Cause I'm Asian.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:37 PM): Am I right?
Xanilla25 (9:06:45 PM): yep
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:47 PM): Lies.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:06:52 PM): Lol set you up.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:02 PM): Gosh that was dumb.
Xanilla25 (9:07:06 PM): my step bro thought that you were offended when i called you
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:08 PM): SorrEy
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:14 PM): LOL.
Xanilla25 (9:07:24 PM): i laughed
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:30 PM): You know how many times at school I get called Asian or some type of Asian word/meaning I hear a week?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:34 PM): like 23
Xanilla25 (9:07:37 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:38 PM): so It's normal
Xanilla25 (9:07:45 PM): you know how many times i get called syrain..
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:47 PM): Imma copy your color
wAb0oJiDoW (9:07:49 PM): lol
Xanilla25 (9:07:49 PM): syrian*
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:08 PM): WHIPPY!
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:09 PM): Lolz
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:15 PM): I steal fonts for fun.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:17 PM): and colors
Xanilla25 (9:08:21 PM): read this now
Xanilla25 (9:08:22 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:25 PM): Lolz.
Xanilla25 (9:08:27 PM): confusing much?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:30 PM): too big.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:36 PM): no I can read it perfectly
Xanilla25 (9:08:38 PM): now read it
Xanilla25 (9:08:39 PM): lol
Xanilla25 (9:08:41 PM): so small
Xanilla25 (9:08:44 PM): its like 8
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:44 PM): My eyes don't suckt that bad
Xanilla25 (9:08:48 PM): \and ITS REALLY BAD
wAb0oJiDoW (9:08:49 PM): hold on I can fix this
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:06 PM): Highlight-Copy-Paste in text box-make font 12
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:22 PM): Very Nice.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:28 PM): so you're at your daddys?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:31 PM): daddies*
Xanilla25 (9:09:36 PM): whats your font?
Xanilla25 (9:09:42 PM): daddies ye
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:42 PM): uhh
Xanilla25 (9:09:43 PM): yes*
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:46 PM): Verdana
Xanilla25 (9:09:52 PM): k
wAb0oJiDoW (9:09:58 PM): Don't copy me or i'll kill you.
Xanilla25 (9:10:02 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:02 PM): I mean
Xanilla25 (9:10:07 PM): i'm not now
Xanilla25 (9:10:08 PM): its green
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:10 PM): Lol that's my cousins
Xanilla25 (9:10:12 PM): verdana
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:16 PM): Noob.
Xanilla25 (9:10:16 PM): damn
Xanilla25 (9:10:20 PM): how about his/
Xanilla25 (9:10:21 PM): ?*
Xanilla25 (9:10:22 PM): this*
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:23 PM): no
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:25 PM): too bright
Xanilla25 cancelled the Direct IM invitation.
Xanilla25 (9:10:33 PM): ?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:35 PM): my chinkey eyes are not used to light
Xanilla25 (9:10:36 PM): no
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:37 PM): eww
Xanilla25 (9:10:40 PM): ?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:40 PM): stop using Veerdana
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:41 PM): it
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:44 PM): it's my font
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:46 PM): not yours
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:49 PM): so GTFO or Die
Xanilla25 (9:10:51 PM): I CAN USE IT IF I WANT
wAb0oJiDoW (9:10:56 PM): No you can't
Xanilla25 (9:10:59 PM): better?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:08 PM): cause you dun know how to save it on your computer like meh/
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:17 PM):
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:20 PM): NANANANA
Xanilla25 (9:11:29 PM): so?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:42 PM): Yes so you'll have to change it to that font and color and size everytiem you log back on
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:44 PM): unlike me!
wAb0oJiDoW (9:11:49 PM): I don't have to it's Auto'ed
Xanilla25 (9:12:00 PM): lol ready this
Xanilla25 (9:12:04 PM): damn..
wAb0oJiDoW (9:12:06 PM): ???
Xanilla25 (9:12:09 PM): lol this is my color
Xanilla25 (9:12:11 PM): ;D

wAb0oJiDoW (9:12:25 PM): Crass language is un-welcomed here Mr.Zakour please exit to your left if you want to keep this up.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:12:40 PM): "GTFO my ship Jack or I'll make you"
wAb0oJiDoW (9:12:43 PM): lol.
Xanilla25 (9:13:12 PM): well i just figured out how to save it to my comp now
Xanilla25 (9:13:14 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:13:16 PM): Wow.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:13:20 PM): Well.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:13:26 PM): I know alot more on AIM than you do.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:13:29 PM): So blech
Xanilla25 (9:13:31 PM): i know
Xanilla25 (9:13:31 PM): lol
Xanilla25 (9:13:41 PM): i had purple first
Xanilla25 (9:13:46 PM): and you copied me
wAb0oJiDoW (9:13:51 PM): No, i had it as my first Verdana
Xanilla25 (9:13:56 PM): (only talking about this caht
Xanilla25 (9:14:00 PM): chat*)
wAb0oJiDoW (9:14:01 PM): than i changed it to dark blue cause it started to hurt my eyes after doing this for a while
wAb0oJiDoW (9:14:09 PM): and it's burning now.
Xanilla25 (9:14:17 PM): so CHANGE it
wAb0oJiDoW (9:14:24 PM): No.
Xanilla25 (9:14:28 PM): brb need to get a drink
wAb0oJiDoW (9:14:32 PM): Cause I'm a big boy I an handle the pain
wAb0oJiDoW (9:15:12 PM): My Chinkey Eyes can't handle this pain
wAb0oJiDoW (9:16:11 PM): Ouch
wAb0oJiDoW (9:16:13 PM): still
wAb0oJiDoW (9:16:24 PM): I can't find a font/color/or size I like
wAb0oJiDoW (9:16:35 PM): cause some homo English Syrian man took it.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:16:59 PM): I'll leave her be
wAb0oJiDoW (9:18:42 PM): Lol I forgot who I was texting...
wAb0oJiDoW (9:18:50 PM): lmfao so I just added whoever I was texting lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:18:54 PM): I said
wAb0oJiDoW (9:19:04 PM): Hi... John/Rylee/Sam/Nick!
wAb0oJiDoW (9:20:07 PM): It's okay it was just Shelhorse
Xanilla25 (9:22:23 PM): back
wAb0oJiDoW (9:22:35 PM): Where did you go? Half way across your house?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:22:38 PM): you slow poke
Xanilla25 (9:22:56 PM): i went said hi to everyone
wAb0oJiDoW (9:22:57 PM): Im trying to get Shelhorse on AIM for chatroom (:
Xanilla25 (9:23:01 PM): they were watching a movie
wAb0oJiDoW (9:23:08 PM): How many people were there!
wAb0oJiDoW (9:23:09 PM): Jeez
wAb0oJiDoW (9:23:23 PM): Hi Bill, Hi Mary, Oh Hi Phil it's been a while.
Xanilla25 (9:23:39 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:24:01 PM): "Jeff! Where THE HECK IS MY $15!
Xanilla25 (9:25:37 PM): lol
wAb0oJiDoW (9:26:25 PM): Jeff gets up and jumps through window and runs downhill screaming "NICK WILL NEVER GET HIS MONEY!"
wAb0oJiDoW (9:27:03 PM): Cascade has a game today.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:27:44 PM): Orion is at the Cascade game now, w/ Mr.Sha
Xanilla25 (9:29:16 PM): are they wining?
wAb0oJiDoW (9:29:20 PM): I don't know.
Xanilla25 (9:29:21 PM): sorry mom was on the phon
wAb0oJiDoW (9:29:51 PM): Rylee isn't watching... she's there but not watching and Orion is Assistant coaching so he can't be on his Phone, Sam and John are at home.
wAb0oJiDoW (9:30:08 PM): gabe told meh

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Years! and I want/need and New Years Resolutions!

Happy Be-Lated New Years!

I need Duct Tape (Preferably Neon)
I need Spray Paint
I need $5
I want Paper Towns by John Greene
I want a new Bible
I want a New Laptop
I need none-perishable foods
I want some new songs
I want an Album (rather not discuss w/ the likes of you! JK)
I want to Finish what I've started
I want to finish my D.C. Scrap book
I want Delicious Food (such as Italian)
I want Spend my time more wisely instead of Pointless ranting
I want to be able to DRIVE!
I want NOT Fail school.
I need more Energy.

- Be a better Gentleman
- Be a better Christian
- Be Nicer to people?
- Be more Attentive.

God is love.