Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The State of Oregon is Turning 150 Years Old!!!!! Yea!! The day is February 14,2009; Valentines Day? "You Say NAY!" Forget that because Oregon is turning 150!!!! Party Time! Yea... It's gonna be fun.
So. At School, I believe the Homerooms are thinking/brainstorming about ideas for their individual baskets for the Auction. My Teacher suggested Wood? I forgot what kind of wood but she said "---- Wood only Grows in Oregon and Israel!" I personally didn't really like the idea of 'Wood' being out basket, others suggested Jam, Electronics, Birds? and such.
I couldn't decide I was too worried about tests and my headache to think about a basket; Anyone have any ideas???

Anywhat. Tomorrow I get to go over to Three Fountains Nursing Home? (we call it Waterford) and Play BINGO with the grandma's and grandpa's (it sounds more respectful) and to keep them company and share them the Gospel, now don't get the wrong impression on us, we aren't Mormons we are Protestant and we don't make them listen to us if they ask us to stop we stop it and we play Bingo like any civilized man/woman. AND I won my first Bingo game last Thursday! (ftw)
We go over to Waterford every Thursday to play BINGO before the school day is over.

I feel so Free to Express my feelings on Blogger, it's a way for me to 'vent' instead of doing something reckless and stupid.
God is love.

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