Saturday, February 7, 2009

Good Evening.

Good Evening Mr/Ms, here let me take your coat.

Today, I went to my friends house and I expected to have a lot of fun, but I crashed on his couch with a Pop-Tart in my mouth... I woke up about 2 hours later, probably because I had an all-nighter yesterday.
Hmm, right now I'm watching the Season Finale of "Doctor Who" on BBC (I guess it's like a U.K. channel because everyone has an AWESOME accent), this is the first time I've ever seen this show but it's already caught my attention, they are talking about an Alien race invading the Earth and the aliens are just yelling "Exterminate" over and over, it's like a soap opera-esque thing. Doctor Who is just so, attention grasping, how enthusiastic the doctor is, it's hard not to laugh.
I want to have that kind of enthusiasm....
The Doctor's cocked eyebrow (which never changes EVER)
I wish i knew the names of these U.K. Actors...

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