Thursday, December 18, 2008

BRACES!, Songs,Cable, Bibles and Books, Snow?

BRACES!- It's Official, Christopher is a Brace Face/Metal Mouth what ever you want to call me. Three hours of being in a room with two Orthodontists looking at my teeth telling me to "Open up a little more..." So when they got it on they put an Expander on the top of my mouth, in other words the roof.It sucks cause when I eat the food gets stuck in between the Expander and the roof of my mouth, It only takes me a couple of HOURS to get it out though.... I'm also Jacked up on Pain Killers just to take the pain out... (for now.)

Christmas Program- It was a blast! But there was RAIN and some snow, very cold. Anyway my favorite song was Gloria Fanfare, the melody mixed with the harmony was Coolio. I think my friend got this on video and he has my camera right now so i'll be getting it back probably around tomorrow to Saturday and we'll EDIT it and post it on Youtube.

Cable- NO MORE CABLE at my HOUSE! Our bill was $70 my mom said "No... I'm not paying that." and that was the end of that. What ever I'm not to depressed. I mean I'm not even at my house 3/4 of the day and when I am I don't have time to watch television.

Bibles and Books- I want a new Bible, you know one of those slim ones that BEND! I saw them at Wal-Mart for $10.97! and I a Billy Graham Book caught my eye! that was like $13. So I really want those really Super badly. Cause Billy Graham is my hero! and a New Bible would make it easier on me because the one I have is a little big and not as portable. "I carry a Bible everywhere I go." Ms.Swope, I'll remember that for a wile. Hopefully I can get my new Bible first thing Saturday.

Snow?- I hope there is snow tonight because I really truly don't want to go to school tomorrow morning, I mean waking up early in the morning... and Homework! Tests! Worksheets! Socializing!... Wait the last one I enjoy. A Snow day would be fun. I mean the First of the year, and right before Christmas Break!

Ending- Well to end this little rant on things going on in my life. I'm Poop'd! Tired! Sleepy! Singing really takes alot out of you especially in front of hundreds of people.
well Good Night and God Bless!
God is love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know what u mean singing really does take it all out of u. Hey know i know what to get u for Christmas unless ur parents get them first. And those pain killers, im on those too and they really do help but i feel like im high all the time. And im really sorry about ur braces you'll get them off a lot faster than i will so that is a good thing. so there u go first to coment.