Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bagel [2/18/2009]

Okay since I've been told my blogs aren't that interesting God has blessed me with something interesting (sucks to be whoever got in trouble)

So after school and buying a whole bag of Raisin Bran Crunch (For myself)
So After School (and my nap) I woke up and just int he nick of time i saw cop cars pulling into this 'druggy' ally (I call it) and their are like 20 people huddled around it, I thought the cop was going to get beat but then here comes like 3 more cop cars and a sheriffs truck, and after pooping I came back out and the cops were pulling out w/ a Druggy. Fun Eh? I witnessed a druggie being arrested and more druggies getting ready to run. (finally the cops caught up to where all the druggies were) oh and they caught a bank robber who has been robbing all the banks in Oregon! at my friends house.
Now I have to draw Andrew Jackson Cartoons!

If you didn't know this about me yet here it comes, I don't sleep(much) I usually crash on a school night at 2 A.M. and on weekends well... I don't sleep till 5 A.M. (ish) So the only time I actually sleep is when I'm in the car, and I've had people say I look cute when I sleep (partly because I fall asleep immediately when I get int he vehicle) So yes I'm a vampire!

I can fight in the hall ways every Wednesday! So every Wednesday my Friend John and I fight in the halls (yes) and the teachers really don't care as long as their no UFC type fighting or Boxing. I won today, and I won a Gatorade bottle as my victory prize thingy. he did 11 Pull ups at GYM I did... none yet; But BasicSly every time we see each other in the hall we kick each other or slam into the lockers/poll/wall/GYM door/doors/anything sharp/ trashcans the usual wild Ninja-esque thing. Fun Guy (we has Science together)

So Today, I decided I'm going to fix my Skull Candy Headphones that broke in half form around the center, and I'm super gluing it, I'm so lethargic I have a book holding it together till the glue sets... I think I inhaled enough super glue to officially say I'm "High as a kite"

Here is the FML (F My Life) of the day!
Today, my father came back from a business trip in Canada. He handed me an "I Love Canada" pen. He brought back an xbox 360 for my younger brother. FML

<3 For Shirley L.

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